Tuesday 19 March 2013

Rubik the Retarded Raven

Rubik The Retarded Raven was conceived during a drunken haze, and is an unfortunate victim of the foetal alcohol syndrome. He somehow mastered the art of flying, or rather flapping his wings, but has to be kept on a chain to shelter him from harm. He has a strange fascination with banjos, and doesn't know eyes from strawberries, so watch out!

Rubik's been playing with the other Grimlies for quite a while now and has finally made it into the Chromatophobic Etsy shop.  You can visit him here

The pendant is made from two laminated layers of acrylic, and there are a few different colour combinations in the Chromatophobic staple of black, red and white.  The jump rings enable a free articulation of the wings, and Rubik frequently revels in their frenzied flapping.

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